
Smart Medical Aid

Over the last year, Ukraine Charity has realized and supported a number of charitable projects in partnership with the Netherlands & Ukraine registered charity Smart Medical Aid founded by NHS consultant Dr. Iryna Rybinkina.

The charity is focused on providing medical relief for people in Ukraine, which has been dramatically increased by the war. The projects include:

  1. Purchasing and delivering of the neonatal ambulance and baby pod for the communal non-commercial enterprise of the Sumy Regional Council “Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital”. EUR38,8K.
  2. The structured series of training events for the populations in order to raise awareness, knowledge and competency in basic life-saver maneuvers. The use of different strategies allows the enrollment of different segments of the population, increasing the penetration of the provided knowledge. Parallel to events for the general population, SMART Medical Aid also installed automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) in strategic locations in Ivano-Frankivsk and Lutsk.
  3. In March 2023 Ukraine Charity together with Smart Medical Aid organized a black-tie fundraiser in London in order to raise funds for building a “Healing garden” in Dnipro Children’s Hospital. 46k have been raised and donated towards the project.

Collecter for Neonatal ambulance and baby pod for Regional Children's Clinical Hospital

£ 0

Donated toward "Healing garden" in Dnipro Children's Hospital

£ 0

External defibrillators (AEDs) bought

£ 0

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